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Diversity Solutions Article

Over the last few years, we’ve heard sobering statistics on diversity and how the film and TV industry is slowly improving issues around inclusion. This seems like a good time to talk and reflect over the last 18 months of running RA Agency (an agency exclusively representing women, several of whom are black) who hold key crew positions in sound and camera whether it be in Drama or Features.

Meet Production Designer: Carly Reddin

You also worked on the award winning commercial with John Malkovich for Squarespace. Talk to us about that.

This was one of those jobs when you get the job confirmation late one evening and show up at the office the very next morning. In this case, I was on the early Eurostar to Paris.

The film explores the challenges John Malkovich faces, as he is establishing his reputation as a serious fashion designer in Paris. It was an intense couple of weeks of scouting, dressing and filming. All sets were real locations that we modified and dressed, creating two fashion studios, a fashion show, a period film set, a photography studio, and a hotel room.

So… what happens after the film is completed? The distribution journey

Simple, it gets to the cinema or a streaming platform, so it is available for viewing, right? Well, it is actually a bit more complicated than that.

First of all, the process of getting a film to a screen is not a straight line. There are plenty people involved, working collaboratively and simultaneously. Let me walk you through it. Let’s say you've made a film, great job! It’s Oscar-worthy! But you need to get it distributed in different countries, not only to get those coveted nominations, but most importantly, to recoup the money.