Primetime Spot
In this section you will find all the saucy news and announcements from our sisters over at Primetime Network.
What is Primetime? Primetime is a global visibility platform for women working above and below the line behind the camera. To sign-up and learn more visit their website here.
Cinegirl and Primetime have joined hands in increasing visibility and creating opportunities for women working across all departments within the film and tv industry. As a result of this partnership, we will be posting our joint developments and updates on this page. Stay tuned!
This year Primetime launched Primetime Pledges, which is targeted at getting those with hiring power to help boost the number of women working in the industry.
The first Primetime Pledges kicked off this year at the BSC Expo 2020 in London, at 1-2-1 networking event, whereby those who signed up have pledged to work with a Primetime member in the next 12-18 months.
Cinegirl is following up with each Primetime member who have been hired, as a result of the networking event.